Friday, August 20, 2010

TAFOSSA and the 10 questions on ICST in Tanzania

Dear all,

I believe we all understand and agree that information and Communication Science and Technology (ICST) is key to development of any society.

I  desire to see TAFOSSA become an active and one of the key players in research, development and innovation on Information and Communication Science and Technology  in Tanzania.

But  a few questions pop out in my mind.

1.What can we do as TAFOSSA to assist Tanzania take fully advantage of the economic and social revolution brought about by progress in this area (ICST)?

2.What role can Free Software and Open Source Software play in 1 above?

3.What role do we have to play as individuals ?

4.What role do institutions have to play?

5.How should TAFOSSA approach research and development (and innovation) to match the needs of Tanzania in various sectors (health, environment, energy and security)?

6.Who should TAFOSSA approach for partnership? (Nationally/Internationally)?

7.How can TAFOSSA achieve the above sustainably?

8.How can TAFOSSA organize itself at the National level to better achieve the above?

9.What should be the operational model of TAFOSSA to be successfully?

10.What are you ready to do today on behalf of TAFOSSA today?

Your ideas/suggestions will contribute a lot to the success of TAFOSSA and development of ICST in Tanzania

Atanas C Nkelame /UCC +TAFOSSA

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

calls for LPI material development consultants and training consultants

... From a post to FOSSFA By Evans Ikua, FOSS Certification Manager,

Wanted: LPI training manuals development consultants and Trainers ofTrainers for the FOSS Certification pillar of the ict@innovation project Application Deadline is 27th August, 2010. * Are you interested in developing training materials for the Linux Professional institute Certification? * Do you have a solid background in Linux administration and development of user manuals and documentation? * Do you have experience in training others on the LPI, and/or are you part of a training institution? * Then respond by 27th August 2010 to become part of an exciting training materials development programme on FOSS Certification, and/or to become one of our trainers of trainers.Background - ict@innovationThe ict@innovation programme aims at building capacities for Africansmall and medium ICT enterprises to build a business with Free and OpenSource Software (FOSS). The project encourages the growth of African ICTindustries, particularly in Southern and East Africa, through three mainaction lines: spreading FOSS business models for enterprises in Africa,fostering FOSS certification and supporting innovative local FOSSapplications for social and economic development.ict@innovation is a partnership between Free Software and Open SourceFoundation for Africa (FOSSFA) and InWEnt - Capacity BuildingInternational (Germany). Pillar B – Fostering FOSS CertificationThis pillar of the ict@innovation programme aims to help African SMEsinvolved in Open source Solutions development, implementation andtraining to improve the quality of their solutions offering throughcertification of their FOSS skills. The project partners haveappreciated the importance and urgency of increasing the number ofcertified Linux systems administrators on the African continent so as tohave a bigger impact on the uptake of FOSS on the continent.To achieve this, the program will implement the following interventions: 1. Support the development of open content Linux Professional Institute Certification (LPI) training material. 2. Offer Training of Trainers to individuals in the participating countries, leading to the LPI exams for certification. 3. Support the trainers to deliver the LPI training and certification in their countries and institutions as a business model. LPIThe ict@innovation programme, is looking for African (and global)experts wanting to participate in the development of end user trainingmanuals for the Linux Professional Institute Certification (LPIC-1). Weare looking for individuals with experience in the use of the LinuxOperating system, as well as with experience in the development of enduser training manuals.Our aim is to make use of already existing open licensed materials andmodify them to bring them up to date. Once this is done the materialwill be distributed under the same open content license (GFDL), and putonline for our trainers to download and use in their trainings.We will also be offering a series of regional training of trainerworkshops, with the first one set for later in the year for the EASTAfrican region. In line with this, we are looking to recruit experiencedLPI training consultants who will deliver this training to our trainingparticipants. The participants will be selected from individuals whoalready have some experience using Linux and offering training.ict@innovation may also choose to select one consultant/consultingfirm/consortium to work on the two contracts. The application documentsincluding the terms of reference and the formal invitation can be foundhere: Material for Developers and Material for the Training of Trainers.If interested, please send your application by email to the followingaddresses indicating availability, to reach them not later than 27thAugust copy the following addresses:
Evans Ikua,
FOSS Certification Manager,
Eagle House, 2nd Floor,Kimathgi Street,Nairobi - Kenya,
Tel: +254-20-2212485,Cell: +254-722-955831,

Tanzania rolls out a National FOSS Training Programme

The National Institute of Transport (NIT) has just completed a training programme titled 'Advanced Training on African Business Models with Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)'. This follows some very good work done by Mr Edgar Telesphory (Senior System Analyst/ Technician - NIT).

The training was organized by the National Institute Of Transport with support from ict@innovation, a joint capacity building programme of FOSSFA (Free Software and Open Source Foundation for Africa) and InWEnt - Capacity Building International (Germany), funded by OSISA and the German Ministry for Development Cooperation (BMZ).

 Participants in the just ended FOSS training held at NIT in a group photo
(photo by Atanas C Nkelame)

This training follows a regional train of trainer course called "Advanced African Business Models with Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)“ which was conducted at the University Computing Centre and where it attracted participants from various neighbouring countries (Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia).

The training started on 02nd August 2010  and was concluded on 13th August 2010 and a presentation about TAFOSSA was made by Mr Atanas C Nkelame who also was one of the trainers. Trainees were awarded certificates. Trainers/Facilitators  included Edgar Telesphory (NIT/lead trainer), Atanas Cosmas Nkelame (UCC/TAFOSSA), Frank Tilugulilwa (UCC), Lawrence Lyayuka (UCC) and Juma Lungo (ZALONGWA)

Pool of Tanzanian ict@innovation experts and trainers on Advanced FOSS Business Models
The following Tanzanian-based trainers and experts are part of a pool of trainers, who have acquired training experience and expertise in "African FOSS Business Models for IT-SMEs" through a Training-of-Trainer programme of ict@innovation. They have been qualified in facilitating the course “ict@innovation: Free your IT-Business in Africa”

Feel free to contact these resource persons, when looking for services related to training in Open Source and Business aspects, particularly "African FOSS Business Models".
  1. Almasi S. Maguya
  2. Alex Mukurasi
  3. Frank Tilugulilwa
  4. Simon K. M Njovu
  5. Atanas Cosmas Nkelame
  6. Lawrence Lyayuka
  7. Olympa Lema
  8. Juma Lungo
  9. Lusekelo Mwaipyana
  10. Hector John Mongi
  11. Majid Igangula
  12. Baraka Chuma
  13. Justin Tarimo
  14. Edgar Telesphory
  15. Mariam Ally Tambwe
  16. Titus Tossy